Regions drive community.
Reconnecting Our Regional Home and Governing It Equitably and Ecologically
Regional Charters is the follow up book from Bill Dodge that …. this is a paragraph setting up the page.
Regional Charters Key Messages
Governance Cooperation
Develop a capacity to develop a plan for strategy through execution
Community Building
Regions are organic entities
Citizen Training
People are citizens of their neighborhood, state, nation, but also regional
Press nor organizations are effectively held to deal with these issues
The need to identify the various sectors that are needed to work
About Bill
Bill Dodge has devoted his career to building successful communities, from neighborhoods to regions.
Bill has especially helped community leaders and citizens to develop their capacities to address tough regional challenges, such as safeguarding against natural and manmade threats, overcoming intercommunity fiscal, economic, and racial disparities, and shaping renewable regional growth.
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