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Dodge the Doge

Achieve Intergovernmental Excellence



Gentle Reader

I wrote Regional Charters to help us all better address the toughest common challenges cutting across each of our regions — both those that are more metropolitan and more rural. 

I believe that pursuing the preparation of a charter will help your region reconnect the local governments and other interest groups struggling to address these challenges.  I believe that implementing a regional charter will provide the capacity to come together, with the support of state and national governments, to govern your regional home, equitably and ecologically. And, even help save local governments.

Thank you for considering buying Regional Charters.

I welcome our comments and suggestions for building effective regional communities.  



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REgional Charters

Regional Charters guides readers to become practicing regional citizens and help forge regionwide compacts to shape renewable, equitable growth. It calls for adopting a Regional Charter that empowers local governments, in partnership with all interest groups to breathe life into these compacts and save our children’s and grandchildren’s futures.


ABout Bill

Bill Dodge has devoted his career to building successful communities - from income-diverse neighborhoods to metropolitan regions.


Contact BILL

Whatever it is, Bill would love to hear your feedback.